Have you been digging for some trustworthy cleaning brands lately? We both know that there’s a ton of cleaning brands out there besides W5. But not all of them love animals the same way as you, me and many others do!
Those torture-addicts are the rotten eggs in the e-commerce society; people who still adhere to ways of darkness and cruelty!
Thing is, hunting for cruelty-free stuff requires hard-work and rivers of sweat nowadays; seeing that a lot of brands still fancy testing on flimsy animals.
The question is: is LidlGB‘s cleaning brand (namely W5) also a gang member of those ‘cruel’ brands? If not, is W5 stainless when it comes to animal-testing; thus, being fully deserving of your trust?
Last but not least, are all cleaning products in the W5 range 110% vegan or else? If all these questions have been puzzling you lately, worry no more!
I’ve shed light on all of the above questions in this very article. ALL FOR YOU! So, bear with me for a while; and hopefully, a couple of new insights are already on their way to you.
W5: Cruelty-Free OR Animal Tyrant?
W5 is a minor brand operating under LidlGB. Meanwhile, over a hundred of LidlGB’s products are certified as cruelty-free by the International Leaping Bunny Programme.

What does being Leaping Bunny approved signifies for W5?
- Well, for one; W5 neither conducts freakish and inhumane tests on animals; nor does the brand ever out sources the testing procedures to a third party.
- Neither finished products nor anybody the ingredients used within W5 product recipes are examined by means of speechless rabbits.
- None of W5 products are sold in places as well as countries where animal testing is ‘all part of the process’.
Significance of W5’s Leaping Bunny Approval:
Still bit suspicious about the authenticity of W5’s cruelty-free status? OR, you just refuse to pour all your trust on a tiny bunny logo at the edge of product packaging?
Who knows whether Leaping Bunny approval is really as mighty as it claims to be! Chances are, many brands are still messing with animals behind Cruelty Free International’s back!
Guess what? All your concerns about the effectiveness of CFI’s Leaping Bunny are valid and to-the-point? I kinda feel like a sharing a quote about the idiocy of blind faith here. It goes like this:
“Skepticism is the highest duty and blind faith the one unpardonable sin” – Thomas Huxley
Hence, below are some details on the working mechanism of CFI’s Leaping Bunny Programme. This is to make certain that you recognize whether you’re wagering your trust on the right horse or not.
In fact, Leaping Bunny has four trump cards hidden in it’s pocket; all for the purpose of striking deadly blows to companies faking their cruelty-free status. Here’s how it works:
Supply Chain Check-ups:
These bunny lovers spare no effort in scrutinizing ever inch of land and the last freaking grain of salt when it comes to supply chains.

This means that none of the raw materials or ingredients being tested on animals can pass through LB’s rigorous examination.
Supplier Monitoring:
It’s of paramount importance to investigate supplier background. And see whether they’re conducting business with other ‘cruel’ companies etc etc.
Thankfully, Leaping Bunny has sharp ears when it comes to investigation; and leaves no stones unturned; just like Sherlock Holmes!
Fixed Cut-Off Date (FCOD) Policies:
Cruelty Free International has put in place a certain system of ‘fixed cut-off date’ policies. Which means that none of the companies certified as cruelty-free can continue with the inhumane torturing post that particular date.
Unexpected Independent Audits:
What Leaping Bunny investigators like best is to pay unexpected and unannounced visits. This significantly helps to keep those cruelty-free companies in check.
Poor guys must be in a state of anxiety and mental agitation all the time; fearing that a LB investigator is gonna jump out at any moment!
See? These four are the bedrocks on which Cruelty Free International’s Leaping Bunny Programme depends on. Also, these particularly strict procedures serve as the ultimate testimony for W5’s cruelty free status; and the brand’s benevolence towards cute bunnies!
Are W5’s Cleaning Products Vegan-Friendly?
Although there’s bound to be plenty of vegan products within the W5 range, LidlGB hasn’t pin-pointed each of them as of yet.

In fact, I recently reached out to Lidl’s official Twitter account and posed the same question there. Unluckily, even a ghost hasn’t replied from there by now. Still, I’ll update the info as soon as a new tidbit of data arrives.
Are W5 Products Ethical and Trustworthy?
Yup, sure they are! For me at least, I’d far prefer to buy stuff from a Leaping Bunny certified brand; rather than knocking doors of those ‘openly cruel’ brands. Even brands listed as cruelty-free by third party organizations (such as PETA) can’t be fully trusted nowadays.
Things are surely different in the case of CFI’s Leaping Bunny (as can be seen from their rigorous way of assessment).
It won’t be an exaggeration to label Leaping Bunny as the universally recognized platinum-standard for cruelty-related stuff. Even People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) falls behind LB in that regard.
All in all, I certainly failed to smell any traces of ethical violence (such as torture of frail animals) in the way W5 operates!
Hence, W5 is more than qualified to serve as your go-to brand for everyday cleaning products. UNLESS, you’re die-hard fan of vegan products.
In which case, like I said earlier, I’m not sure as of now. There may be several 110%, pure and authentic vegan products in W5’s arsenal.
However, they haven’t addressed the issue so far.